Claim Center

Our mission is to provide service above our policyholder’s expectations. Our staff strives to adjust claims in a fast, fair and friendly manner.

Please contact your agent to report a claim.

Emergency contact: 218-790-4894.

Frequently Asked Questions

What am I paying for when I pay online?

Answer: The product you are paying for was received in the mail for the renewal term or change requested along with your invoice.

What is it the length of coverage I have?

Answer: The policy itself is in effect for one year and is payable per the installments selected.

If I sell my house, how do I cancel my policy?

Answer: The policy can be cancelled at any time. The request will need to be in writing and provided to your agents office for processing.

When do I get my premiums back if I cancel my policy or make changes to my policy?

Answer: Any return premiums for cancellations or changes to your policy are issued via check payment at the home office in Halstad, Minnesota. It will take 7-10 business days from when the agent receives the request.

Why do my premiums change each year?

Answer: Your home policy is specifically designed for your needs. However, if you have a replacement type of coverage, the policy limits will go up each year according to the inflation protection built into the policy. With the increase in coverage, there will be a slight increase in the premium as well.

Who do we contact if we have a loss/claim?

Answer: It is recommended that you contact your agent’s office. This makes them aware of the claim and they can provide policy information right up front. If you are unable to reach your agent or you feel it is an emergency situation. Please call 218-790-4894. This will put you in touch with the company directly.

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